
Assalam o Alikum fellow humble hooman being!

I am Urooj the girl behind Roads We Avoid and this page is all about me trying to give you a picture of who I am. It’s weird pretending to know about yourself because when you sit down to write about it your like… so… who am I?

Anyways…if you are on this page you probably somehow landed on my blog.  I started this blog to serve as a tiny internet place for women like me who are seeking avenues for their passions all the while trying to strike a balance in life. Ever since I started this blog I have learned so much about myself, explored so many more avenues and discovered a passion for helping other Muslim women entrepreneurs.

I am a CS graduate and professional website designer. I have never ever been keen on the corporate world. A job was never in my framework and I think it derails you from your true identity as a person. I’ve loved the word Entrepreneur ever since I first heard it. Since that day I knew what I wanted from life… I wanted to be an entrepreneur.

The journey is long and is full of surprises but I love every bit of it.

I take this internet home of mine to share my life experiences as a striving, aspiring, growing entrepreneur. You can find resources to grow your business in the online realm, learn how to balance life with work and actually feel the passion in your blood while you work on your dream project. I don’t believe in passion driving people nuts. I don’t see any point in a life that has no purpose or passion to fuel.

I’ve been a girl with a pen and notebook ever since I came to know I exist. You know dear diary types… :p I think about a lot of stuff in general and life, existence, values, fulfillment in particular.  Something inside of me tells me I think a lot in abstract terms. Everything inside my brain is huge and somewhat complicated. My only struggle in life is to simplify stuff.

A few random facts about me:

  • I love to read. There are more books in my tiny library than I ever get time to read. I still get one or two in every visit to the book store.
  • I’ve always dreamed of seeing myself as someone who knows what she is doing in life.
  • I love people who genuinely follow their heart and work on their passions.
  • I drool on beautiful designs.
  • My heart skips a beat every time I look at a beautiful sunset.
  • Staring at moving clouds is one of my favorite free-time activities.
  • I have a long history of break-ups and patch-ups with Pizzas.
  • I am a frozen yogurt person (no icecreams pls)
  • I love black in gadgets, white on men and blue on myself.

These days you’ll find me working on my blog, working for my clients, publically speaking to young girls and women on improving their life, stroking with paints on a canvas for my part-time business, eating and sleeping.

Want more?

You can talk to me. Really! It’s that easy.

Find me here. Or get in touch via Social Media.

Care to share?